GW Police Department
The George Washington Police Department (GWPD) provides residential hall security and patrol services to the Foggy Bottom and Mount Vernon campuses and oversees security at the VSTC campus. The Department also coordinates safety & security for a variety of on-campus special events, including Commencement, Alumni & Families Weekend and visits by dignitaries. In addition to those roles and responsibilities, GWPD provides crime prevention education to the GW community.
Services We Offer
- Event Security
The GW Police Department offers security services for events held on university property. The department reserves the right to refuse services based on need and circumstances.
Important Considerations:
- Any department or organization requesting security services will be charged an hourly rate for each officer to work an event. The standard rate is $53 per hour.
- There is a four-hour minimum charge per officer for security services.
- If the event is canceled or postponed without one business day notice prior to the start of the event, the department or individual will be charged for a minimum of four hours/officer requested.
- GWPD requires 7 business days notice to schedule security services for an event. The hourly charge will be $72.00 for requests that are received and honored with less than 7 business days notice.
- While every effort will be made to provide coverage in an emergency, it is unlikely that we will be able to staff an event with less than 4 business days notice.
- Oracle Alias: If you do not have an Oracle Alias, please email our Special Services Unit at [email protected] prior to completing/submitting your event request.
- Payment for security services must be completed through Google Forms with the numbers provided to GWPD on that form. Any exception to this must be specifically arranged and payment must occur prior to the event.
- GWPD must charge security services to account 59502. Please do not request services to be charged to another number. It cannot be done.
Submit GWPD Security Services Request
If you do not receive a response to your request within three business days, please email our Special Services Unit at [email protected] (or alternatively, call GWPD's main phone line 202-994-6110 and request to talk to a supervisor on duty.)
- Threat Assessment Team
The Threat Assessment Team is a cross-functional team comprised of a variety of University offices that addresses concerns about threatening behavior that could result in violence directed towards the students, faculty, and staff of the George Washington University. The goal of the Threat Assessment Team is to evaluate behavior that individuals perceive as warning signs for future violent or self-destructive actions. The team can be rapidly convened in order to assess situations whenever they arise. Concerning and threatening behavior can occur in a variety of ways, and all threats should be taken seriously.
Call the Team if someone's actions, words, or writing makes you feel threatened or concerned in any way. A call to GWPD will activate the Team for imminent concerns, or you may report concerning behavior online for non-imminent concerns.
- TIPS Line
GW's Crime Tips Hotline, (202) 994-TIPS, allows individuals to leave a confidential voicemail message. (202) 994-TIPS allows people who have information -- but don't come forward because they don't want to go on the record -- a way to report incidents with the promise of strict confidentiality. It's important to remember that you should only use the TIPS line for non-emergencies. Call (202) 994-6111 for all emergencies. The TIPS line has been useful to individuals in the past who provided information about a specific incident or a repeating problem but wished to do so anonymously.
General guidelines when calling:
- Give information about who, what, when, where, why, etc.
- If your message is too long & you are cut off by the voicemail system, call back.
- While it is not mandatory that callers leave a first name or return phone number, it aids in investigation.
- Incident Report Request
The GWPD Incident Report Request allows individuals to request a police report for incidents in which they were a complainant. The purpose of this form is to obtain a copy of a police report that has been filed.
- Criminal History Check Request
Investigators conducting background checks on members of the GW community must complete the online Criminal History Check Request Form.
Safety Tips
- GW Guardian App
The GW Guardian App offers an additional layer of security to the University’s emergency mass notification services. Free to the GW Community, this personal safety app enables users on and off campus to:
- Receive targeted advisories and alerts from the GW Division of Safety & Operations,
- Connect directly with GW Police and EMeRG (GW's volunteer EMS agency),
- Access a directory of key phone numbers that will put you in direct contact with Safety & Operations and Student Affairs resources - such as the Student Health Center, Office of Advocacy & Support, and Safe Ride,
- Set a Safety Timer and assign a virtual Guardian to monitor your safety late at night or while traveling,
- Elect to include optional, personal information to share with emergency responders - such as emergency contacts or medical alerts,
- Invite others from the GW Community to form a more robust personal safety network.
- Personal Safety
Blue Light Emergency Phone
- Always be aware of your surroundings and environment.
- Be familiar with locations of the Blue Light Emergency Phones on campus.
- Know the locations and phone numbers of emergency responders.
- Learn about the neighborhoods where you live, work, volunteer, and have fun.
- Don’t text or look down at the ground, watch the cars and people around you.
- Only wear headphones in one ear, so you can remain aware of your surroundings and environment.
- Keep your phone charged, secure and out of sight. Always carry identification.
- Safety in the City
Pedestrian Safety
- Never leave your belongings unattended, even if you will only be gone for a short time.
- Avoid isolated areas—underground garages, alleys, parking lots, and offices after business hours. Walk with a group and in well-lit areas.
- Have a plan when you go out: know how you will get home; let someone know where you are going, with whom, and what time you plan to return.
- If you feel like you are being followed, move as fast as possible towards the nearest lighted and populated building. You can also cross the street in the middle of the road or flag down a passing car for assistance.
- Maintain a safe distance if approached by a stranger, even if they just ask for directions.
- Walk with a confident attitude, even when you are lost.
- Never leave important documents in your car such as the title or registration, put any valuables or packages in the trunk.
- Avoid using electronic devices on public transportation especially when seated near the doors.
- Do not sleep on the bus or train.
- Always lock your bike in a way that secures the frame and both tires.
- Safety at your workplace and classroom lockdown buttons
See Something, Say Something
- Familiarize yourself with the location and operation of Classroom Lockdown Buttons (PDF).
- Lock your office whenever you leave.
- Do not leave cash or credit cards unattended in the office, especially overnight or over a weekend, unless it is secured in a safe or vault.
- If you are entrusted with a key to a specific area, never loan it to anyone and keep it secured.
- Report suspicious people in your office building to GWPD at (202) 994-6111.
- Report the loss or theft of keys, equipment, or valuables immediately to GWPD.
- Safety in your residence
Residence Safety
- ALWAYS lock the door when you leave the room.
- Keep your items secured and out of sight at all times.
- Do not allow strangers to piggyback, or follow you, into your building. If someone suspicious does follow you into the building, try to make a mental note of what the person looks like and what time it is. Go immediately to a place where you feel safe, lock the door, and call GW Emergency Services at (202)-994-6111. If you are off-campus, call 911 or alert your building's security personnel.
- Remember that GW visitors and guests should be escorted at all times. Residents must walk down to let their guests into the building.
- If you lose your GWorld card, deactivate it. If you lose your keys, borrow loaner keys from the Key Depot and replace yours. It's better to pay the key replacement fee than to leave your room unsecured.
- Never open your door to strangers. Check the ID of service people before letting them in. Don’t be embarrassed to call for verification.
- If you come home and see a door or window open or broken or notice other indicators of a break in, do not enter your house. If you have already done so, leave immediately and call the police.
- Internet Safety
World Wide Web Safety
As the internet becomes an integral part of life for many of us, it can also be a treasure trove of information for criminals to take advantage of you. Below are some tips and resources to best protect yourself on the world wide web:
Do Your Research
- Search your name (and combinations of your other personal information) into various search engines to see what you can find out about yourself.
- Tip: Examples of personal information: first name, last name, date of birth, hometown, current address, phone number.
- Take note of websites that have information you want removed. Contact each website's administrator and request that they remove your information from their website.
Know Your Presence on Social Media
- Make a list of websites where you have (or have ever had) accounts online (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). Dormant social media accounts can be easy targets for criminals seeking information about you.
- Check the security and privacy settings to make sure that you are comfortable with what is publicly available.
- Tip: Many social media sites allow you to view your profile as if you were a member of the public. Use that functionality to make sure you have your privacy settings adjusted correctly.
- Tip: Social media sites change their security and privacy settings often. Set a reminder to check back on these sites regularly to update your setting preferences.
Set Alarms
- Just like you would set a home security system, set alarms to make sure you’re notified of any online privacy intrusion.
- Tip: If you sign up for Google Alerts, you can be notified anytime Google finds a new result for your name (or other terms you request to be notified about).
- Tip: Regularly monitor your credit report for any changes that you may not be aware of (for example: new accounts or loans).
- Tip: Consider services that offer credit and identity fraud protection for added peace of mind.
Strengthen Passwords
- Enable multi-factor authentication when websites support it. This requires another ‘factor’ (such as a pin code sent to your cell phone) in addition to your username and password in order to successfully log into an account.
- Check the strength of your passwords, and never use the same password for multiple websites.
- Tip: When choosing passwords, avoid using words in the dictionary or any personal information. Instead, use a combination of numbers, punctuation, and a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Remain Vigilant
- Keep an eye on your digital footprint and always ask yourself – “Do I really want this to be online?”
- If you want to "remove" yourself from the internet, there are guides and paid services that can help you with that.
- If you are concerned, need more information, or find that someone is using information against you, we are here to help. Call GW Office of Advocacy and Support at (202) 994-0443.
- Search your name (and combinations of your other personal information) into various search engines to see what you can find out about yourself.
- Identity Theft
Personal Information Safety
Identity theft occurs when an unauthorized individual acquires some of your personal information -- your bank and/or credit card numbers, your social security number (SSN), or even something as simple as your name, address, and telephone number - and uses it to commit fraud or theft.
Personal information can be obtained by:
- Stealing wallets, purses, or mail containing your identification, and credit or bank cards.
- Using personal information you share and they obtained on the Internet.
- Looking through your trash, or the trash of businesses, for personal data.
- Using false pretenses to obtain information from you. (For example, a thief may get your personal information from a survey or social networking site.)
- Posing as a landlord, employer or someone else who may have a legitimate need for, and a legal right to, your credit report.
- Obtaining your business or personnel records at work or in your home.
- Using a method called “skimming,” where a specific device stores your credit/debit card information when it is processed.
Personal information can be used to:
- Open a new credit card account, or establish phone, internet, or other utility services in your name. When they don't pay the bills, the delinquent account is reported on your credit report.
- Open a bank account in your name and write bad checks on that account.
- File for bankruptcy under your name to avoid paying debts they've incurred under your name, or to avoid eviction.
- Counterfeit checks or debit cards, and drain your bank account.
- Give your name to the police during an arrest. If they're released from police custody but don't show up for their court date, an arrest warrant is issued in your name.
- Obtain a fake ID or driver’s license, take out a loan, or obtain a job using your name and information.
Identity theft can result in:
- Being refused loans (car, housing, education) and employment opportunities.
- Being denied credit cards.
- Being arrested for crimes they did not commit.
- Taking considerable time and effect to correct fraudulent accounts and credit reports.
- Having emotional and physical reactions to the stress of having their identity stolen and used fraudulently.
- Feeling angry, helpless, and violated.
- Finding it hard to reestablish trust, or become hyper-vigilant about guarding their personal information. These feelings are normal. Talking to a trusted friend or counselor can help a victim cope with these feelings.
- Rideshare Tips
Rideshare Safety
- Ask the driver his or her name before entering the vehicle.
- Compare the photo provided by the rideshare company with the driver.
- Ensure the car you are entering matches the car and the license plate number indicated by the rideshare app.
- Check the rating of the driver to determine if you want to use that vehicle.
- Know where to file complaints against the driver if needed.