GW Standard Emergency Statuses
GW has adopted four Protective Actions (Shelter, Secure, Lockdown, and Evacuate) to provide standardized guidance for use across incidents. Additionally, GW is able to quickly change campus access through the GWorld system and has adopted two GWorld Protective Modes (GWorld Safety Mode and GWorld Emergency Mode) to communicate changes in access. During an incident, campus safety officials can quickly communicate with the GW community to provide information and guide actions to protect life and property.
Protective Actions
GW has adopted four Protective Actions (Shelter, Secure, Lockdown, and Evacuate) to provide standardized guidance for use across incidents. In an emergency, campus safety officials will share the Protective Action messages through GW Alert, on-campus displays, and via other communications, such as social media.
Shelter | Evacuate | Secure | Lockdown |
- Shelter
You will receive a Shelter message when protection from a specific hazard is necessary. The hazard could be a tornado, earthquake, hazardous material spill, or some other type of emergency that is affecting environmental surroundings. Because these hazards require different responses, GW will share specific safety guidance on a case-by-case basis.
Action: Follow the safety guidance for the hazard.
GW Alert example: GWAlert: Emergency, Foggy Bottom Campus SHELTER for an earthquake. Drop, cover, and hold on.
- Evacuate
You will receive an Evacuate message when there is a need to move people from one location to another. Students and staff should be prepared to follow specific instructions given by first responders and university officials.
Action: Evacuate to a designated location. Leave belongings behind and be prepared to follow alternative instructions.
GW Alert example: GWAlert: Critical, 1957 E St. EVACUATE immediately due to suspected hazmat. Follow emergency instructions and make way to Potomac Square.
- Secure
You will receive a Secure message when there is a threat or hazard outside of the building or around campus. The Secure response encourages greater situational awareness, and activities inside may continue as appropriate/possible. Secure status includes increasing security, securing the building perimeter, and restricting access to entry doors. Criminal activity, dangerous events in the community, or civil unrest could prompt a Secure response.
Action: Go inside and stay inside. Activities inside may continue.
GW Alert example: GWAlert: Urgent, Foggy Bottom Campus to SECURE status due to a dangerous individual. Remain inside a GW building or proceed to a safe location if outside.
- Lockdown
You will receive a Lockdown message when there is a threat or hazard with the potential to impact individuals inside buildings. It is a room-based protocol that requires locking the interior doors, turning off the lights, and staying out of sight of any corridor window. Action: Locks, Lights, Out of Sight. Move out of sight, maintain silence, Consider Run, Hide, Fight.
GW Alert example: GWALERT: Emergency LOCKDOWN-Foggy Bottom Campus for armed intruder. Seek secure location if on campus. Consider Run/Hide/Fight. Avoid area if off campus.
GWorld Protective Modes
GW can quickly change campus access through the GWorld system and has adopted two GWorld Protective Mode phrases to communicate those changes.
Whenever a GWorld Protective Mode is activated, you will receive a GW Alert directly addressing the change in GWorld status.
- Safety Mode
All GWorld readers are immediately locked and allow access only to GWorld cardholders who would normally have tap access. Normal tap access is defined as an individual authorized to access a GWorld reader-controlled space.
GW Alert example: GWAlert: Foggy Bottom Campus is in GWORLD SAFETY MODE. All GWorld readers restricted to allow GW Community only. Do not admit unknown persons. See critical email.
- Emergency Mode
All GWorld readers are immediately locked, and access is restricted to authorized emergency first responders only.
GW Alert example: GWAlert: Foggy Bottom Campus is in GWORLD EMERGENCY MODE. All GWorld readers are restricted to allow first responders only. See email.